A Break From the Usual...
Anyway, more to the point, today I was talking with some fellow internet people about the creation of the earth. They didn't believe in God and where very scientific in their thinking and the moment I said, "Well I'm a Christian but, ..." It was like intellectual suicide on my part.
They dismissed anything I had to say because they automatically deemed me an ignoreant sheep and as uninformed (And by the way, they are tragically, tragically wrong). Which brings me to my next point: I am very well read in the way of evolution and to be frank, I believe it whole heartedly, but I also do not think that it just happened. I think God made it happen that way. Theres no way stuff like that happens as some sort of chain of freak accedents. I dont think the Bible was ment to be taken litterally when it said the earth was created in seven days. I think thats a metaphore for how everything happened in stages.
Does this make me a bad Christian? Some say yes, and to them I would say I do not care. I think God loves me anyway even if I am wrong. But more to the point I dont really think god cares if we think it all happened in 7 days or if it was actually a much longer time span of different phases. As long as you believe there is a god that created us and loves us I think you're fine.
What does everyone else think?
At 12:01 PM ,
CleanSlate said...
I totally agree with you grace. It really doesn't matter! God still made it and Jesus is still the only way, no use in debating an issue, its like beating a dead horse!
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