we are told not to hate but to love, and yet hate is a very natural thing amoung humans. Seeing as we are in a fallen world. One tries not to hate, but then you meet someone and can't stop the seething anger inside you. I'm hating someone right now. I'm trying not to. I'm fighting the anger, but that person has continued to hurt me no matter how many times i've told them to stop or asked them to stop and told them what it does that hurts. They continue to ignore me, to shove me aside, to abandon me. There was a time in there life where they were in a similar postion as me, and i brought them with me, i helped them make friends, i was their friend when no one else would be. And what has that brought me? Nothing but hurt. When i see that person again they'll act as though nothing was wrong as if nothing had happened and they'll be upset when i don't act the same, when i continue to be truthfull to myself. I can't help but to hate the one who cause me to hurt. I'm not afraid, of the man who whips i'm only angry, and anger slowly turns to hate. Hate is an awful thing. And we are told not to hate. But we are also told not to hurt.
At 10:36 AM ,
FL PT said...
Hey Kat,
It is hard to not be angry or even hate those who turn their backs on you and betray you, especially after you have helped them. God knows this is not easy for us. But, remember that He gave us Jesus as our perfect Model, the One we are to live like. How many times was Jesus rejected by those he helped? Many, many, many times. Each time, what was his response? Consider this one story of many in the life of Jesus. In Luke 17:11-19, Jesus was on His way to Samaria and Galilee. As He was walking He came to a village and there were 10 lepers there. They begged Him "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" When Jesus saw them He told them to go to the priests. So, they went and were cleansed. They all went along their way, happy that they were healed. One of them was more than happy, he was thankful and recognized his need to glorify God for what He had given to him. He went back to Jesus and fell on his face before Him to give thanks. Jesus answered him saying "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?" In this story Jesus hears the prayers of these men and heals them, b/c He was filled w/ compassion for them. But, only one of the 10 came back to thank Him. He could have easily felt anger toward these nine ungrateful men. But, He chose to love them instead, in hopes that they would return to Him someday. This is similar to our situation today. We are commanded to love everyone, as God loves us. When we show love to everyone we still can get hurt...just as Jesus was hurt when only one of the 10 He healed came back to Him. Kat, we need to act like Jesus when someone hurts us. Instead of getting angry and letting our anger eat us up until we hate, we need to do our best to give love instead. Pray for this person who has hurt you as Jesus tells us in Luke 6:27-28 "But I say to you who hear: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who spitefully use you." Then steer clear of him/her, always praying that they will return to be your friend if the Lord wills. Luke 6:35-36 says "But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful."
Its not easy to live like Jesus. There's no question about that. But, He is our perfect Model and we must do our best to behave as He did when He was on earth.
At 7:05 PM ,
CleanSlate said...
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