About Me
- Name: CleanSlate
- Location: Kansas, United States
Well, Until kat gets to this I'll just talk about me... I'm grace... I'm Christan, believe it or not. Although as of late 'religion' has really annoyed me so I like to think of myself more as a Christ-Follower than Christian, Catholic, ect... I'm also a computer/book/law nerd. Yep, thats me in a nutshell, as they say... KAT here! I'm a Christian, some call me crazy or a freak..i dunno why! I'm into fantasy novels! yay me! Also i love to write stories, songs, and draw pretty pictures.
Previous Posts
- (insert evil laughter here)
- Updating!
- oh
- Changed plans
- Rules O' Dating AGAIN
- Pride and Prejudice
- A silly little quiz thingy lol!
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- Chicken and Stars
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At 12:53 PM ,
FL PT said...
LOL that's awesome. Your Mom and you both sent it to me via email. Eating a bunny will never be the same...
Sorry you've been so tired lately. I am willing to bet it is b/c you have taken on so much responsibility w/ your Mom being hurt/sick/recovering from surgery for many months now. Our bodies are only built for short-term stressors and when you get past that short-term time period, the body just says enough and goes into low-drive. That's probably why you have been sick lately too. May I make a suggestion? You need to find an outlet that you enjoy to help w/ stress (even though you may not feel too stressed...we all need an outlet). Mine is exercise, as you know. I know reading helps you but maybe you need something that can take you out of your house. Perhaps you should start going for long walks w/ either Maxine or Macy...especially now that the weather is beautiful. When you get home, get one of the dogs (or both) and just go. Go for like 30-60 minutes. Then you'd be getting exercise and getting out of the house away from all the stuff. You can also use it as your special time w/ God. I am willing to bet if you do that everyday you might start feeling better. Oh...and what we eat tends to have an effect on our energy level too. If you eat properly (meats, veggies, breads, milk, etc) you'll have more energy. Just a few suggestions... hope you don't mind. I lobes you and I want what's best for you!!
At 1:24 PM ,
CleanSlate said...
Thanks for the advice! i'll diffently keep it in mind!
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