Ok so here i am updating. Yay for me.
So lately i haven't been able to sleep so i find my self staying up till like 3 in the morning and then of course i have to wake up around 7:30ish to go to school. It isn't cool.
yesterday we rearranged our living room. It looks pretty cool. My mum watches a lot of Home and Garden tv.
AHHH!!! I've got something in my eye and it stings real bad. My eye is getting all water and stuff ew!!!
Moving on.
Been feeling really rather distant lately. Distant from God, from my family and from myself. i don't know why and i can't explain how but i do. I just don't feel intouch anymore. Then again i've never really connected well with the world around me. But i find myself wandering around my house aimlessly and feeling like there is supposed to be a purpose but i don't know what it is. Also have been feeling a bit low. Been sick and that always drags me down but also spirtiually low, been kinda snippy and stuff with people. I just don't want to deal with people lately. I find myself holed up in my room just staring at the ceiling and i think why? Why, am i here when i'm not doing anything? But i just stay there until one of my parents yells for me to come and do a chore or eat or something. i dunno i'm just kinda draggin' i guess.
This has been a beautiful life changing message brought to you by The Glorious and Perfect Kathleen
So lately i haven't been able to sleep so i find my self staying up till like 3 in the morning and then of course i have to wake up around 7:30ish to go to school. It isn't cool.
yesterday we rearranged our living room. It looks pretty cool. My mum watches a lot of Home and Garden tv.
AHHH!!! I've got something in my eye and it stings real bad. My eye is getting all water and stuff ew!!!
Moving on.
Been feeling really rather distant lately. Distant from God, from my family and from myself. i don't know why and i can't explain how but i do. I just don't feel intouch anymore. Then again i've never really connected well with the world around me. But i find myself wandering around my house aimlessly and feeling like there is supposed to be a purpose but i don't know what it is. Also have been feeling a bit low. Been sick and that always drags me down but also spirtiually low, been kinda snippy and stuff with people. I just don't want to deal with people lately. I find myself holed up in my room just staring at the ceiling and i think why? Why, am i here when i'm not doing anything? But i just stay there until one of my parents yells for me to come and do a chore or eat or something. i dunno i'm just kinda draggin' i guess.
This has been a beautiful life changing message brought to you by The Glorious and Perfect Kathleen
At 6:57 PM ,
FL PT said...
Hey babe. I'm glad you are feeling better! There's nothing worse than being sick. So, feeling out of touch huh? I can understand. I've been there a few times. Don't worry...God's plan is perfect for you and it will be revealed in the perfect time. You are just in the fog right now but it is ok. God knows where you are and where you are going. Look to Him, pray to Him, read His Word and be around other Christians (even if you don't feel like it). By doing so you will be more connected - at least I am when I am feeling down. It is a struggle to get past the leaving my house part (much like you trying to leave your room) but once I do and put myself around others, I am uplifted. So, give it a try. I am willing to bet your not sleeping is due to your not feeling connected. Try to reconnect yourself as best you can. God will help you if you ask Him.
Most righteous heavenly Father, please be with Kat at this time of uncertainty and help close the gap between you and her, and between her and her fellow brothers and sisters. She needs you Lord, show her Your way, and show her how much you love and need her to work for you. Uplift and strengthen her Father and enable her to use Your armor effectively to ward off these attacks by satan. In Christ's most holy name, amen.
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