If only i had a nickle...: July 2006

If only i had a nickle...

Ugh...an insight into the human mind...how revolting.

Friday, July 28, 2006

12 days

I'm starting the count down. I leave the 11th.

Ok so today i expected it to be an ordinary day...and it wasn't. I get to work and my boss says ok come with me. So i figure he and i are going to go lug horns all over kingdom come. But instead he and his wife took me out to lunch to have Sushi! OMG! it was A-mazing! Plus it was a wonderful surprise. I seriously have the best employers EVER! So that was my day. Pretty good day i guess. Got a belly full of yummy raw fish, only had to really work an hour, spent the rest of the day in my bed with a book and sunflower seeds. And i've started throwing stuff away and sorting things out, ya know what to take and what to leave behind. i have a TON of laundry to do. ugh...so tomarrow after work my mummy and i are going to go shopping. Got lots to buy. So that will be fun i'm sure. Buying stuff is always fun.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Leaving blues

So, i guess i've finally come down with the leaving blues. I know kinda silly right? But in many ways i'm gonna miss this life. It feels like i'm starting a new life down at Emporia and leaving this one behind. And i don't know if i really want to. i mean i've finally laid roots, found a place that i wanna be. And off i go again. And yes i know i'm gonna meet new people, and have fun and all of that but, at the same time, i'm afraid to lose what i have right here. That things are gonna change, because they will, they always do. I was reading today in my room, with celitc music and my electric blanket, and i wondered when i was going to be able to do that. Be alone with my cat. God, i'm gonna miss that furry demon. He means so much to me, and so do you. you mean so much too me. And i feel like when i leave i'll never see you again. And it breaks my heart to imagine it. when will we play cards? When will i get to cook for you? Tease you? pester you? hug you? Just please whatever you do don't stop commenting on blog, don't stop updating. it frightens me cause i feel like this will be my only link to you. sorry for the crazy emo ramblings.
love with all my heart

Saturday, July 22, 2006

New Video

Check out my new vid, its freakin' sweet.

In other news, i think i'm getting sick. Yay me.

ALi has left kansas and is back in florida.

Harley wieghs 11 pounds.

I have 3 weeks left of living here.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ali Has Landed

Ok so Allie is here amongst us! yay! its soo wierd cause it feels like she hasn't even been away. Its soo cool, and wonderful. lol! So i'm gonna go and get my ears pierced a third time tomarrow, plus tonight we plan to go cosmic bowling. lol! oh it'll be fun. Also we've picked out like a million movies that need to watch! oh muahaha! ANywho, being 18 is difently muy fun. Or at least more free. Its like I already can feel some leash or barrier or something has been lifted. Its amazing!

pah i still can't wait till i go of to Emporia, to finally be really free. lol! ok so not really all that free, but still freeer. muahaha, thats a word it is. Deal.



Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Allie cometh!

So my friend Allie comes today. I'm really excited. I have to clean...lol! anywho. So all the card hommies have left. So the house is quiet, for today. Its been quite a busy summer.

Don't have much else to say.


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Pah and a few mehs for good measure

Ugh i'm so tired. The card hommies are all here and cards/dominos have run rampent. Its fun. Unfortunatly i had to work today ALL DAY! as in 9 to 4. ugh i'm sooo exuashted. But its fun and then on wed. my friend Alishnallie is coming! I can't wait i haven't seen her in like 3 yrs. Other wise thats all thats going on. I really have naught else to to tell you.
the sexy one
bow to me you pathetic mortals

Thursday, July 06, 2006


So yar, all the card peeps are coming in today and tomarrow so a card fiesta will be occurning at my home. lol! Cards all day and all night. Thats the way to do it.

Anywho, i can't wait till i leave to Emporia. No offense to all my leavenworth homies, but i can't wait to leave. I'm lookin' forward to new faces, new people, and new hotspots to hang out at. Ugh, i can't wait. But i still will love all of you and miss you when i get around to it. lol! But yar...thats all for a crazy post today.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4ourth of July

Ok so my birthday has come and gone along with the wonderful holiday involving getting drunk and blowing stuff up. Oh what a wonderful time of year.

So yes...