If only i had a nickle...: February 2006

If only i had a nickle...

Ugh...an insight into the human mind...how revolting.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Ugh...i'm sick. I hate being sick. I feel like Dumbo fell from the sky and landed on me. poo. I was feeling better yesterday though. Had a good day too, went to lunch with Charity and Luke. We went to China Buffet and it was rockin'.

Got a new guitar. Its BEAUTIFUL!! its a Luna! and it plays wonderfully.

My cat keeps alternating between being absloutly adorable and evil. But then again that isn't anything new.

I've been a slacker on my deviantart site and haven't posted anything new in awhile. I need to scan more art in and submit it.


I think i'm going to dig in my fridge for some chow and then crash. I'm soooo tired its not funnny. Really it isn't. STOP LAUGHING!!! My heart is crushed.

so enjoy.


PS Wed. Is Seans 16th B-day so yar i'm going to be making a cake and bringing it in on wed. So be there or...not...get...cake? YA!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Unsettling Things I Write When I Get Pompous, Delusional, And Vaguely Omnipotent

Back again back again. I've been away and I've been busy, kids. Blogger, I have neglected you (you know, I've started every other post for the past couple of months with something like that) but I'm back at the moment. I've been away, being that overhyped insolent demi-god of the intarweb you know, fiendishly worshipped and vigorously mocked.

Let me tell you crazy kids, being a demi-god ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Sure, you get some snazzy powers, and there's the whole immortality and prescience and resilience thing brought on board, but you know, I used to be a Messiah (of the Working-Class stature), and that was fine with me. Though I worried about the retirement clause in the dark hours of the night. Things happen. Things involving nails and martyrdom, and as much as I like you guys, you're not worth getting pinned like an especially mouthy butterfly to a cross just so you can feel guilt-free or some shit like that. It happens. I've seen the pictures.

So I upgraded. It's not so bad. The ascension, all in all, was a pretty entertaining process. Sacrifices, lots of chanting, people who don't have any idea watching through the windows, probably wondering why there's guys writing things in blood on the walls. It's like the antithesis of a Mormon funeral. Acolytes are a fucking dreary bunch, if I do say so myself. Always with the black robes, and the chanting, and the standing around looking all mysterious and arcane and shit. You know why they're so dour? Eunuchs! So fucking boring. "What's the score?" "They took my balls." Like a broken bloody record, they are. Ask them any damn question and they're always like "They took my balls". It's like a malfunctioning oracle, only less likely to make some dumbass hero all puffed up on himself go charging into a maze looking for a baby and a three eyed bull. I never pay attention to the legends anyways.

And the gods, the full-fledged ones, oh how they look down on you. Just because, you know, there's a demi in front of my godly title doesn't make me any less of a god than you, you self-righteous pricks! Okay...maybe it does, but, that's beside the point. Always with the proclamations of "Thou shalt fetch me some more salt for my popcorn" when you're in the theatre. They don't even need to go to the theatre. It's all for show, just so they can order us demi-gods around. Then there's God, and you just can't spell His name without self-righteous. Thinks because He made the entirety of the cosmos He has the right to be a sanctimonious prick. Well, for sure, but there was stuff around before Him. Okay, there wasn't stuff around before Him, but there were conceptualizations of the..you know what, when you ascend to demi-godhood, I'll take you to a coffeeshop that doesn't exist, so you can get over your metaphysical hang-ups. Unfortunately, all dieties are obligated by divine right to report in to Omniscience, LLC. It's this big bloody company that keeps track of all the gods, goddesses, demi-gods, godlings, semi-gods (don't you dare make a trucker joke, I will have you garroted) messiahs, saviors, that whole lot. It's fairly well put-together, if you can get used to the paperwork. Dear sweet fancy Moses, the paper. A piece of advice -- never smite anyone right before review. You have to file in triplicate, why you were smiting, who got smoted, what form of heresy, who witnessed said heresy, what the heresy entailed. Everyone's so uptight about heresy. And then you have to do it in Latin.

You'd think, after years of seeing it all over the place, mostly in stand-up comedy, they'd be less of a bunch of pricks about it, and do what Buddha did, and eat a lot of Mexican food and hang out in techno clubs. You won't find the Buddha on the road, but you will find him at The Eidolon Studio getting down with his fat shiny golden boogie. It's not a pretty sight. Speaking of not a pretty sight, you wouldn't believe the things that Inhuman Resources makes you do. I'd tell you, but then you wouldn't be able to eat for a month and a half. And then you wouldn't get to partake in any of the real ambrosia.

All right, I've got to go. Allah found out they were serving bacon sandwiches in the employee cafeteria and now we have to go to some sort of empowerment lecture and tolerance and all the good new age crap.

- the infamous ms grace


Ok so i've been kinda lazy lately and sleeping in and stuff. I've just been so tired and stuff i don't know whats wrong with me, you'd think i'd get enough sleep but i dunno. I guess its because i feel like there isn't anything better to do.

I'm so tired of staring at the walls of my house. I'm always either here, or at skool or at work or church. I NEED NEW ENVOIRNMENT!!! I feel like an animal pacing its cage. Also i want to go somewhere where i don't need to spend money. I feel like i'm slowly gonna go crazy i've been breazeing through books like non other. I don't really like watching tv so i don't watch tv. I'm like the only one on the computer during the day. I feel like pulling out my hair or getting crazy tattoos just for something to happen!! I'm looking forward to college just for a break in routine.


Monday, February 13, 2006

Walking on the phone lines

Silences are truly golden because in them -through them -we can hear our perfect imperfections resonate through spectral bandwidths, connecting mutual considerations and electric contemplations, across oceans, states, and nations.

Not that there is much silence to be had.


Happy Singles Awareness Day!

Yep so its that time of year again. The one where every fool puts their little hearts out on the line to be crushed.

I'm surpirsed the sucide rate isn't high durning this time as well as Christmas.

So i'm gonna be codirecting a play! YAY for me! my career(notreally) is soaring! I'll be famous in not time flat.

Shoulder is still bothering me. I have no idea what i did to it it just aches everynow and then and if i do to much pyschally labor (like moving tons of heavy books in the library) it hurts. The muscles get all tight or something and it feels like someone is stabbing me. Like right now. ugh.

SO! yar....not much else is going on with the sexybeast kathleen! So untill next time!


ME! THE SEXY irritable, ireplaceable, estactic, gorgeous one...KAT!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Dear Blogger, (And All The Other Weird People Who Read This

Today is one of those uninspired days where I don't even have the energy to yell at the lot of you in that charming hypocritically sarcastic way. That, and really, the censorship debate has been played out everywhere else, so a rebuttal is unnecessary. You all can do it, but, everything I was thinking about has been said to death by other people, so the hell with it, I've said my piece and satire'd it up, so I am done. Though I got called the spawn of Satan, which was fairly awesome.

More fascinating and totally unrelated entries shall follow at some point, or maybe just more of my pretentious and irreverent verbose jackassery and poetry.

If you're one of the new subscribers, feel free to browse through the archives (along the side) for further amusement while I rid myself of this headache and gear up for more writing. There's a lot of crap, but, some decently entertaining stuff in there.

One final note -- as it turns out, listening to grindcore extremely loud isn't the most productive way to solve a headache.

- the infamous

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Inherit the Wind

I don't swear for the hell of it. Language is a poor enough means of communication. We've got to use all the words we've got. Besides, there are damn few words anybody understands.


Monday, February 06, 2006


OK i'm finally updating good for me.

Been spending my days listening to 102.1 and reading alot. Today i was left without a car so i was stuck here at home...poo. I wanted subways for lunch but was stuck with leftover pasta(which i shared with my cat). It was ok not very filling so i compenstated with saltine crackers(which i shared with the dogs) and some icecream(which i didn't share at all). So i've been updating today, i update my deviant and also am updating here....not that you actually care.

SO! I'm mondo-excited about ATF and the concert on Wed. It'll be wicked fun. I'm planning a way emo outfit to wear just because i can. But it'll be way fun anyways. MUAHAHA!!! wait i can't laugh even if its evil...emos don't laugh...the sob..MUAHAHAH!! yar i'm wicked way emo! lol...

MOVING ON! I love this radio station! Been listening to it nonstop! I feel all up to date and in the loop with music now and i'm also getting my beloved 80s and 90s music. YAY!



Sunday, February 05, 2006

did you know..

did you know that when its this cold outside, the stuff in the brain that makes angry people mad gets freezy and they go super crazy angry lashing stuff ninja go?

i will stay well clear of crazy angry people in this weather. leavenworth is good for me and the walrus who does a cover of slick ricks childrens story.

man why cant i make a catapult?
