If only i had a nickle...: May 2006

If only i had a nickle...

Ugh...an insight into the human mind...how revolting.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sunday Sunday Sunday

So yar sunday was muy fun. It was really cool to hang out with everyone. I don't think the youthgroup has really had a big hang out like that in awhile. So it was cool.

Ok, now that i'm no longer a member of said youth group, i won't be coming into the back durning church anymore, also i won't be praticpating in the small groups. Please don't anybody be offended its not you, its just i don't feel like its right for me to stay when i'm not a member anymore. Its like highschoolers hanging around the middle school campous and going to middle school activites, its just kinda wierd. But i am hoping to get a college group operating again. Small groups ARE important, i just would like to attend one that was directed at people my age and junk. I'm sorry. I just really don't feel like i should be doing that, i dunno. But i still love all of you.

On brighter less offensive notes, i've dyed my hair. Its A-mazing, its all red and junk i love it. Its all cool and junk.


Monday, May 29, 2006

LIfe in the Big People world

So yes i'm enjoying life in the big people world. Doing anything i kinda want. Its been nice. Making my own schedule instead of people making it for me. I always hated that.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Alumni of Lansing High

So i am offically no longer a student of lansing high. Making me a student of Emporia State. Wow... it still just blows me away. Lol! I guess i'm kinda still shellshocked. The big bad world is all ready for me...i guess.

The cermony...well it was a cermony. End of story.

I'm just hoping that when i get to Emporia, I'll meet someone. I'm tired of being single, and lonely. A good christian man, who has like thoughts on the world, who can make me laugh, make me feel special. Ok i should stop writing my singles ad. lol!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It is Over

So school is finally and officaly over. YAY! On sat is my graduation. So i'll be offically a college student. Some days i just forget that its actually over, it almost feels like a dream. LIke today i was at the book store and ran into an aquantince there and we chatted for some time and yet it felt sooo strange like i was someone else. Being out of high school permently is a very different experience.

ANYWHO! Went to prom and had tons o' fun! Me and my friend jeremy went and we danced to all the slow songs (lol) and also to the Time Warp, The Electic Slide, The Chicken Dance and some more! Oh we had sooo much fun! It surprised me how much fun we had. Plus i looked great.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Yeah, so i'm so feelin' the love...NOT! Nobody (not including Angie) ever comments on my blog. Seriously i'm not quite sure why i keep up with this bloody thing. ANYWHO!

3 days left of school. Its almost over i can almost touch it.

Still sooo not feeling the love. WHERE'S THE LOVE PEOPLE WHERE'S THE LOVE???!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Yes 6 that is how many days i have left of school! I can't wait! I'm sooo ready for sleeping in. I've been so tired lately. See i've been fighting a cold for quite some time now, but i've just kept going cause i can't really miss any more school, cause that would be silly.

Been trying to be creative again, by working on some of my novellas in progress. But its been a tough process. The only thing is sheer determination and knuckling down. Truthfully i feel completely wrung out but i need to work through this writers block. That way I can stop feeling like i'm giving people the wrong idea about me when they say i'm creative, because for like the past couple years, i've NOT been creative. I've been totally run of the mill. It sucks.