Sunday Sunday Sunday
Ok, now that i'm no longer a member of said youth group, i won't be coming into the back durning church anymore, also i won't be praticpating in the small groups. Please don't anybody be offended its not you, its just i don't feel like its right for me to stay when i'm not a member anymore. Its like highschoolers hanging around the middle school campous and going to middle school activites, its just kinda wierd. But i am hoping to get a college group operating again. Small groups ARE important, i just would like to attend one that was directed at people my age and junk. I'm sorry. I just really don't feel like i should be doing that, i dunno. But i still love all of you.
On brighter less offensive notes, i've dyed my hair. Its A-mazing, its all red and junk i love it. Its all cool and junk.