If only i had a nickle...: December 2005

If only i had a nickle...

Ugh...an insight into the human mind...how revolting.

Friday, December 30, 2005


So Ang, Kim and I went over to the guys house and learned a new game called frustration. It was mucho fun. Bob won, Jbob got 2nd i got 3rd Ang got 4th and Luke lost, miserably...it was beautiful. The game was way fun cause Bob and Luke kept screaming like a bunch of pansies!!! But yes then us gals went home and and went to sleep, so much for getting a good nights sleep though cause we didn't get home till after midnight.

Also, although i don't want to admit this Luke came over during the day and whooped me and ang at hand and foot. Another card game, it was sad and there were many shed tears...but it was worth it when we obliterated him in Frustration!!! NO TWOS FO YOU!!! lol

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


so life has been lifie right now. Angie is here and today we have da plans of planning cards like mad people who do mad things. So yar...that should be fun. Already had breakfast of biscuts and gravy down at Homers cause Homers rocks! Yummy...it was really good, and really cheap and lots of it. So anywho that is all i have going today, last night Ang, Mum and me played cards i was winning until about half way when angie beat me by a few thousand points. its only because i didn't go out though cause i counted thirteen three out of four times. Plus i went out the first time before anyone else did and with an extra red. I just realized that 99% of ya'll have no idea what i'm talking about. OH WELL!

So yar that is what i've been up to....


Monday, December 26, 2005


I've changed the song thingy...yay me!! SPOONS!


OK! so yar life in my lane is sexy, why? cause i buy hats and hang wif frineds!!! YAY! frienwds r gooooood!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005


After posting several entries here that I took somewhat seriously and got no feedback whatsoever I have decided to abandon blogspot. Maybe not permanently but for a while.

Many of the things I posted about I'm still curious about so if you read them and want to leave me something you can do so HERE. Though I recommend you NOT go to my personal site if your not over the age of... eh... say 15ish? I try to keep it as clean as possible but as you all know blogs are open forums to anyone and I don't always know what people are going to say there.

So long and farewell, my blogging buddies.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

WHY do we as Christians feel we have to put our label on everything: Christian music, Christian movies, Christian books, etc etc.

Do you see Muslim movies or Muslim music?

Yo yo, it's Muslim rap ya all? ALLAH'S IN DA HOUSE! OH YEAH!

Gonna kill me some whities,

get 72 virgins up in heaven

oh yeah oh yeah

whassup bitches!

And that's my sad statement on religion for today.



Ok Kat here with a post, seeing as i've been neglecting my duties as a blogger but thankfully the wonderful Ms. Taft was posting.

Christmas is coming and i've been really trying hard to make this a CHRISTmas if ya catch my drift. And i've also been trying very hard to continually talk to God, to make it a point of spending a bit of me and the Father time.

As you all know my mum is busted up so i've been staying home this past week and takin' care of her. I've been struggling to see this as a way of serving for God and less the middle child being dragged into more chores. Although it has been very hard to not get angry, i've been trying to use it as a way to hang with my mum anyways plus to get stuff done. All the gift i have bought so far a wrapped, the tree is completely decorated, some of the house is getting decorated and i've found some of my fav cds. Cleaning and orginazation is good. But sometimes i still struggle with the feelings of it being a burden that i was forced to bear. Which i know isn't right. But unfortunatly still there.

Recently i've found myself contemplating all kinds of things more and more. Mostly i've been trying to figure out this restlessness in me. Its constantly there and i can't seem to apease it or at least understand it. I just feel as if something is coming, I don't know what but everytime i pray about it this feeling grows stronger and more piercing. Its sooo frustrating to have this constant, i dunno even how to explain it, its almost like i know there is something more out there! Something huge and undescrible! So so close as if its waiting right around the corner! As if its like a word or a name thats hanging on the tip of my tongue or right of grasp and i just can't reach it! ugh...i just dunno. And again i've prayed and prayed for understanding and for knowledge and for wisdom and sense but all that happens is this feeling intensives!! GAHH!! *angerangeranger*


Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Deck the halls with mutilated Barbies, fa la la la la, la la la la.

-Ms. Grace
I've been reading and here are some thoughts I came away from my book with:

If we associate closely with those who are addicted to the pursuit of sense pleasures, power, riches and fame, we shouldn't imagine that we will remain immune from those addictions: in time our own minds will gradually incline to these same ends. If we associate closely with those who, while not given up to moral recklessness, live their lives comfortably adjusted to mundane routines, we too will remain stuck in the ruts of the commonplace.

If we aspire for the highest -- for the peaks of transcendent wisdom and liberation -- then we must enter into association with those who represent the highest. Even if we are not so fortunate as to find companions who have already scaled the heights, we can well count ourselves blessed if we cross paths with a few spiritual friends who share our ideals and who make earnest efforts to nurture noble qualities.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005


It's me Grace again back with yet another abnormal post.

Is it wrong of me to kind of practice a lot of the Buddha Dharma beliefs along side my biblical beliefs? I shouldn't say "practice..." because it isn't really a religion.

The philosophy is basically the same as biblical beliefs. It's just that its more focused on... self clarification... I don't see anything wrong with broadening my horizons but at the same time I don't want to be doing something God wouldn't want me too.

As anyone that knows me knows, I've been having a very hard time as of late. I've been SO bogged down the the stress of the world and I had been praying and praying and all of a sudden one day I was kind of talking to God as I was organizing my books and I came across this old book about the Buddha Dharma ... it seemed interesting so I gave it a go and its kind of what I need at this point I think. I don't know.

I'm not one to declare my thoughts on such things but that seems to be what I'm doing. I personally think its OK to live and learn. I just want other peoples opinion.

(and this isn't a substitute for the bible)


Monday, December 19, 2005

A Break From the Usual...

I'm stepping away from what my posts are generally like here at blogspot. They are usually unquestionably cynical and even a but rude and condescending, but hey, that's just the way I am some days.

Anyway, more to the point, today I was talking with some fellow internet people about the creation of the earth. They didn't believe in God and where very scientific in their thinking and the moment I said, "Well I'm a Christian but, ..." It was like intellectual suicide on my part.

They dismissed anything I had to say because they automatically deemed me an ignoreant sheep and as uninformed (And by the way, they are tragically, tragically wrong). Which brings me to my next point: I am very well read in the way of evolution and to be frank, I believe it whole heartedly, but I also do not think that it just happened. I think God made it happen that way. Theres no way stuff like that happens as some sort of chain of freak accedents. I dont think the Bible was ment to be taken litterally when it said the earth was created in seven days. I think thats a metaphore for how everything happened in stages.

Does this make me a bad Christian? Some say yes, and to them I would say I do not care. I think God loves me anyway even if I am wrong. But more to the point I dont really think god cares if we think it all happened in 7 days or if it was actually a much longer time span of different phases. As long as you believe there is a god that created us and loves us I think you're fine.

What does everyone else think?


Sunday, December 18, 2005


So yes...ok, yar...hmm...

Ok so i've been hanging at the guy's house for...all day. Came over after church to set up a foot tall fiber optic xmas tree with a few decorations. Then Kim and Eric went to The Great Mall, i thought they said they were gonna just go down town and stuff, well went six thirty rolled around and everyone was alseep but me and the dog and i'm not home i was thinking perhapes i was forgotten, once again. But i wasn't just a miss uderstanding, so then when kim and eric arrived back at the house we went to applebees, it was yummy and now i'm back again at the guys house, chris is gone, jason watching football, kim and eric playing with the knives they bought and luke holed up in his room, and me typing on the laptop sitting on the kitchen table. Whos is it? I believe its lukes...but truthfully i really don't care. Updating this blog isooooooo important that i would use a stranger's laptop with out hesitation just to update. AREN"T I SPECIAL!! or perhapes i'm just a way loser with no life...that seems more like it.

So anywho not much is going on, i'm way glad that school is over cause that means i get to sleep in on monday! yay for me and then i need to finish xmas shopping! *sigh*


Saturday, December 17, 2005

If I Owned Me A Helicopter, It Wouldn't Be A Snow Day, It Would Be A Death From Above Day

Again, consciousness is overrated.

-grace cant think of a cool way to sign this

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Illness. I hate it. That bone-tiredness, the sudden sharp feelings of pain in my head, and most of all, the lack of clear-headedness. This is what I get for being outside when Kansas's temperature plummets. Yesterday I was out wandering around when I should have been inside, drinking warm drinks and socializing. But no, I had to be the lone wolf and gallivanting around the city to desperately seek amusement I knew I wouldn't find. How childish of me.

This week has already been getting eaten up with all that annoying personal life BS that's been going on, and now I have to take a day of to recuperate. Curse you, frozen disease-air of Lansing.

I was almost dismissed from school for a great deal of sneezing and a general disconnection from attention. That and I'm obviously ill. I would have stayed home, but my presence of mind is somewhat lacking when I wake up hacking and coughing with a tremendous headache, that and finals.

Isolation for me, at least for a few hours. I'll have the computer and the accursed phone if you really need me. I'll hole up in my room, and start trying to find something to read, and then fall over abruptly and pass out on the floor. Whatever this infection is, it has left me totally messed up and is probably going to require massive amounts of drugs. Anyone who gives me grief about my previous dedication to keeping myself free of narcotics will be slapped.

I need to recalibrate my immune system. Get my act together. Get revitalized. And then come back to quality blogging and write the living daylights out of that despair machine of a webjournal (I'm playing with something after the obvious return triumphant buffer entry, and it's rather clever) and get my old groove on.

Or, I will die alone in my room alone and unloved and unmourned, from a secret biological weapon slipped into my Red Bull by one of my asshole friends (ha ha, we all know I don't have friends, I mean, I'm me, for God's sake) or various wannabe nemesis candidates.

I'm yet to see anyone worthy of being my nemesis, but, someday. Gotta dream that dream. Someday I, the great Evil Internet Murder Lord will have my obliged antithetical counterpart, instead of a bunch of sanctimonious peons who like to play like they're mean and metal like me.


If I live, I'll report again later.

- the sickly villainy of ms. grace


YAY NO MORE SKOOL!!! well... except those to minor classes next semester...but they don't count so...NO MORE ITS ALLLLLLL OVVER!!!YAYAYAYAYAYA!!

And tomarrow i'm going to the China Buffet with a few fellow library aides and the librarian the beautiful talent MS.HUTTON!! yaya!!so yar i am happy!!

not much else to say, cept i found two of my favorite cds, Jewels Pieces of You and Goo Goo Dolls Dizzy Up The Girl. YAY! and i'm listening to them now!! i love these cds!!! YAY!!! kay yar i'm happy, end of finals always do that...lol.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Survival On The Streets OF Ulterior Motives

Once upon a time, it was a day.

Monday, December 12, 2005


yar well...hmm....let me think....hmm...yar....hmm....yes well....hmmm...ummm....ok....so......


gonna put up a song now?

YOU ARE by me

Verse uno

I love
There isn't anything else to say
All my hopes and dreams are centered around you
You're my days and my night
There is nothing in exsitence
That could compare to you


And I love you
You're my life and my death
You're my all and my always
You're my King, my God, my Father

Verse dos

So many songs have been written
And mine is just a drop in that sea
But you listen and you love me because
You know everything from the momment I was born
You've been keeping track of everything
Because you love me


Verse tres

There isn't anything i could say
That could explain how i feel
But thats ok cause you already know


That i love you
That you're my life and my death
That you're my all and my always
That you are my King, my God, my Father

Heavenly Father, there is nothing we could possibly say or do that could truely or completely show how much we love you! But we know that you know how much we do and that it makes you happy. Lord i just want to say that i love you! That i always want you close and near me! That you are all there is and all that there could ever be!!! May we always remember that! May we always love you and always love being with you and remember that you love us sooo much that you gave your most precious possesion. your son, and he loved us sooo much that he let himself be humilated and hung on that cross so we could walk with him in heaven and here on earth.

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.

Ambrose Bierce

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Friday Fun: Photograph your postal workers with cameramail

Artist Kyle Van Horn has come up with a very cool project involving sending disposable cameras through the mail.

On November 30th, 2003, an oversized postcard holding one disposable camera and a roll of 800 ASA, 27 exposure film was mailed from Lafayette, IN to Santa Monica, CA. A few days later, the postman knocked on the door of my friend and found him answering in his underwear. He did not understand the statement: “The Post Master wants to know why you are mailing cameras.” as he had no prior knowlege of this delivery. Approximately 14 of the 27 shots arrived intact, all of which were taken at the Lafayette post office.

The pictures are mostly of postal employees, providing a surprisingly interesting slice-of-life series (reminds me of disposable cameras at weddings). Be sure to check the tips page on creating your own cameramail!

Cameramail Cameras


So i now have a Deviant art site. I'm gonna try really hard to get crap up there, but seeing as i don't own a scanner, art on it might be rare. So deal wif it. Punks.
I've decided that cyberspace is populated by a coalition of political obsessives and pundits on speed who get it wrong as much as they get it right. It's just that they type so much they are bound to nail a story from time to time.

Thank you.


Saturday, December 10, 2005


new song, was getting bored of the old one plus this one is sooo adorable, if only all men could be Brad...*sigh* oh welll they aren't.

So life is better, i'm no longer angry. Still hurt but i'm not angry nor do i hate anymore, i was just really not happy when i wrote that last post. Sorry.



My mind is a jumble of images and words and nothing is clear everything is in a haze and I can't comprehend this thing called love or emotion or feeling and I think...I think my mask of sanity might be starting to slip...and I fear what people will see there....

I don't want to hurt anybody...

but I just can't help it.


Friday, December 09, 2005


we are told not to hate but to love, and yet hate is a very natural thing amoung humans. Seeing as we are in a fallen world. One tries not to hate, but then you meet someone and can't stop the seething anger inside you. I'm hating someone right now. I'm trying not to. I'm fighting the anger, but that person has continued to hurt me no matter how many times i've told them to stop or asked them to stop and told them what it does that hurts. They continue to ignore me, to shove me aside, to abandon me. There was a time in there life where they were in a similar postion as me, and i brought them with me, i helped them make friends, i was their friend when no one else would be. And what has that brought me? Nothing but hurt. When i see that person again they'll act as though nothing was wrong as if nothing had happened and they'll be upset when i don't act the same, when i continue to be truthfull to myself. I can't help but to hate the one who cause me to hurt. I'm not afraid, of the man who whips i'm only angry, and anger slowly turns to hate. Hate is an awful thing. And we are told not to hate. But we are also told not to hurt.


Ok this comic freakin' rocks! I found it on a website and all of you must look at it and laugh!!! i love Lucious Malfoy and yes i know i spelled Lucious and instead of the way its supposed to be spelled because he is yummy....gah...

It's way to early for this.

For clarification purposes: a villain is a villain because at some point in their life they made the decision to move over to villainy. Someone who has always been villainous is a monster, not a villain. A monster can commit any atrocity, any sort of foul murderous deed with no hesitation. A monster, however, is born. A villain is created, out of resentment, anger, and selfishness. A monster can commit any number of despicable acts across the board, however, a monster will always lack the same passionate anger that a villain has.

An anti-hero is someone who does not conform to the polite dashing stereotype of the hero. An anti-hero can also be a villain reformed, or even a villain in remission, but an anti-hero only engages in purely villainous acts if he is set back along the path back to villainy. An anti-hero cannot be a monster anymore than a monster can be a tree.

Unless it is a particularly evil tree.


SNOW part II

YAY another snow day!! i was ssooooo happy because i've been really sleep deprived and this let me catch up on some zzzzzzs. it was fun! what am i talkin' about the day has hardly started.

So i'll end up doing to many chores to count on both hands but still a snow day is a snow day, plus it gives me time to actually get started on my project due tues. and also to get my math homework done that was assigned on wed. teehee! I'm such a procratinator its really bad but oh well. this semester is almost over!! just this coming week!! and its alll finals!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYA!!! can you tell i'm happy? teehee


Thursday, December 08, 2005


I am advanced!! I love this sooong soooo mucho!! I'm not sure why but it speaks to me some how. Anywho Johnny Reznick is a hottie from misscootie!!! grr... his hair is all emo cute! And dimpled chins are yummy! Plus his voice is so wonderful, its all deep and full of feeling so you can't help but get wrapped up in it.


Yes 9 whole freakin' inches!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYA!!!!

Ya know what that means right? SNOW DAY!!! yes i am splendering in a snow day!!! teehee!!! How wonderful!! Me and Kimmy are going to go play in it as soon as she gets out of the shower! To bad Eric is working or else he could have come to. SNOW BALL FIGHTSS!!!

Moving on, i feel as if my whole creative part of me has died...a horrible death of doom. I can't seem to do or write anything subsationally good. Its all crap. CRAP CRAP CRAP!! yar. I just can't work on any of my stories or write any new songs or nothing! i've tried but its like a car that just won't start. Its been like this most of this year. And i really want to work on my story Frank but nothing is working for me. grr.... oh well.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005


The Beautiful Kat here! And i want to talk about what big meany heads men are. Ok, so i was hanging at a friends house and he was being a total jerkwad...yes i said jerkwad...igorning me and then twisting and NEARLY breaking my fingers, wrist and legs...the dog Then his room mate then had the audacity to try and break the other fingers that were left undamaged, oh the outrage. Then i proceeded homewards and what do you think happens? My cat, Harley Earl, decideds to be a big fat meany! I walk in and he hisses at me and runs away! I didn't even dooo anything, and hes still being a poo face. Then today while being an Aide to the Beautiful, Smart, Wonderfully Talented Ms. Hutton, the Matts (because there are two of them) decide to destroy the zen garden i was currently working on. Destroying my ecosystem, polluting it and getting sand into my house...impertance is not allowed!!!

So in short the whole Male side to the human species should be kept underground untill needed for procreation. That way woman control the world and peace security, and happiness rule supreme.


Monday, December 05, 2005

Here's the lowdown; I have nothing to say about my personal life at the moment, as it's totally confusing and insidiously complex, and to elaborate I'd have bitch and rant copiously about the whole back story, and my past, and I'm sure you don't want that.

I have no spur-of-the-moment fiction, no dazzling short bursts of my wordslinger's talent, no absurd stories with precise syntax. There's not much I have to say to too many people; and I'm actually considering a blogging hiatus, [because no one ever leaves feedback] not only from this site but also from my personal xanga, though I'd place good money that most of you would think me incapable of such a thing.

And I've realized I stopped watching.



Sunday, December 04, 2005

What am I?

I am just young and unjustifiably cynical.


Friday, December 02, 2005

I am insane. Yes...

a conversation between me, myeself, and i

me: hey they chopped off the tree

myself: yea, you didn't know?

me: no i never noticed

I: i wonder when that happened

myself: it looks good though

me: they should just cut the whole tree down

I: some people like trees

me: why? they're so ugly

myself: maybe because they help us breathe

Grace, out.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Kay, was super uper T.Oed today! Kids in art made HUGE mess with the characole, then when the bell rang everyone ran away! Who was left cleaning up? Moi and Katie. So we mopped the entire floor and wiped down the desks. Ugh it made me mad! We're in highschool, don't make me sing the barney song!!! GAHHH!!! But that was really all that made me mad.

So i talked to Zack today, the wallula youth pastor, he subs at moi's school sometimes and his class was in the lib when i was so we chatted, it was fun. Told him about the friday's b-ball and sat's fuzzball, he thought it was cool and was gonna tell his "followers" about it. Yes we are now called followers...jk, who wants to follow luke? i'm mean seriously, what a drab...jk.

CARDS! Way excited i've been living on card-withdrawal!! My hands have been getting all twitchy and junk...not really but ok!

Today is Harley Earl Gilbert's 3rd birthday! I bought him a scratching post with a little mousey thingy! Hes been soo grouchy lately so I thought i'd spoil him some.

But i'll speak more later...and stuff.